Max Auto Clicker – Probably The Most Stylish Auto Clicker
Max Auto Clicker is an awesome looking auto clicker we have seen so far. It has a peculiar user interface where all the options are very neatly organised and easy to use / configure. If you have ever thought of using the most stylish yet genuine clicker, you shouldn’t miss it.
Apart from just clicks from the mouse buttons, it can also create a video macro for you. In that macro, you can capture your screen movements, clicks, key strokes like in the case of the OP Auto Clicker. In fact the core programming of the Max auto clicker is very similar to the Orphamiel auto clicker.
I know that you are more excited now rather than in the beginning. Okay, let’s not waste your time anymore, have a look at the features that it offers to its users.
Features Of Max AutoClicker
1. Mouse Buttons:
All three mouse buttons are available for you to select and get clicks from (left, right, middle). You can pick any of them and you cannot use the other buttons automatically while the click is running.
2. Click Type:
It is very common to have both Single and Double clicks in the auto clickers. But the max autoclicker do also have HOLD type of a click. It is nothing but click and hold type, try it out and see how it’s going to help you.
3. Speed (Fast / Slow Modes):
It has both fast mode and slow mode in which you can control the rate of the clicks easily. You will get a horizontal bar with a scroller on it for fast mode. You can move them from extreme left to extreme right.
Whereas the slow mode timer where you can enter the time in seconds. So that the auto clicker will generate a click for the given time and it will repeat the same until the entered number of clicks are over or you stop it with a hotkey.
4. Click Limitations:
Here you will get two options and the first one will help you get only certain number of clicks. The other option will get you the unlimited number of clicks and you do not need to worry about the click shortage.
5. Predefined / Custom Click Locations:
Under click location menu, you will have two options. The first one is based on the screen coordinates where you can move the cursor on the screen and hit Fn+F8 hotkey to select that point as your click target.
The other option is “Any Location” and it will place all the clicks wherever the user stops their cursor. So, you have both the options but you are allowed to use only one of them.
6. Pre / Random Delay Time:
If you want the max auto clicker on your pc to start clicking after certain time, you can set the pre-delay time. Random delay time is something which will automatically select the random time interval before the clicker starts generating the clicks.
7. Emulate Human Click:
This is one of the most interesting features of the max auto clicker. If you want to place a random human click in between the click action, you can enable the option “Emulate Human Click”. Whenever you place a manual click while the clicker is in action, that will be valid if you have enabled the option.
8. Predefined Start / Stop Shortcuts:
The developer of the tool must be a gamer I guess. Because, he just provided the hotkeys already and the user has to just select any of them. The user don’t have to enter the key manually like in the other auto clickers. The available hotkeys are shared in the below table.
Start / Stop | Start / Stop | Start / Stop | Start / Stop |
[F1] | [RETURN] | [7] | [Up Arrow] |
[F2] | [TAB] | [8] | [Down Arrow] |
[F3] | [BACKSPACE] | [9] | [Right Arrow] |
[F4] | [SPACE] | [/] | [Print] |
[F5] | [Esc] | [*] | [Ins] |
[F6] | [0] | [-] | [Del] |
[F7] | [2] | [+] | [Scroll Lock] |
[F8] | [1] | [.] | [Win Key] |
[F9] | [3] | [Page Up] | [Menu] |
[F10] | [4] | [Page Down] | |
[F11] | [5] | [End] | |
[F12] | [6] | [Left Arrow] |
9. Recorder [Record & Playback]:
The max auto clicker is potential enough to create a macro for you. In the macro, everything will be saved right from the clicks, moves of a mouse cursor, key strokes, etc. Hit “Record” and do the things that you want to the tool to capture. Save it and hit “Replay” button to start replaying the macro.
Download Max Auto Clicker for PC [Windows 11/10/8.1/7] 32 Bit / 64 Bit
The official website of the tool is You can visit the official website to learn more tricks by reading the tutorials shared by the developer.
Download it from the above button and try to follow the below instructions to make use of it on your windows pc. If you have some time, check out the below tools which might be helpful to you.
- Fast Mouse Clicker
- Auto Mouse Clicker
- Speed Auto Clicker
- Mini Mouse Macro
- Auto Key Clicker
- Flame Auto Clicker
Install / Use Max Auto Clicker on PC
Here are the steps that you can follow in order to install and use it on your own.
- The first and most important thing is, you don’t have to install it because, it is a standalone software.
- Double tap the app (software) to open it.
- Once opened, go through the available features and make sure to understand what is what.
- If you cannot do it on your own, we recommend you go through the features shared above to understand how it works.
- Once you get some idea, try things on your own and you will get it.
That’s about it! if you want a hand while setting up, you can comment below. One of our authors will get in touch with you as soon as possible and help you out.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Max Auto Clicker Free?
How Safe Is The Max AutoClicker?
What Is The Difference Between Pre Delay Time & Random Delay Time?
How To Get Unlimited Clicks Using MaxAutoClicker?
How To Get The Combination Of Middle Mouse Button and Hold Click?
Last Updated on February 14, 2023 by Miller

Hey, This Is David Miller (Author & Administrator) Of This Website . I love writing tech related content especially for gamers. Explore My Posts Here.